
Foreign Trade Operation Process of False Eyelashes


Export customs clearance operation process of false eyelashes foreign trade container

1. After the consignor of the export goods prepares the export goods on time, according to the provisions of the export contract, he shall go through the ship charter booking procedures with the transportation company, prepare to go through the customs declaration procedures with the customs, or entrust a professional (agent) customs declaration company to go through the customs declaration procedures.

2. Enterprises that need to entrust professional or agent customs declaration companies to go through the declaration procedures with the customs should go through the entrusted customs declaration procedures with professional customs declaration companies or agent customs declaration companies near the export port before the goods are exported. The professional customs declaration companies or agent customs declaration companies that accept the entrustment shall collect the formal customs declaration entrustment letter from the entrusting unit, and the customs declaration entrustment letter shall be based on the format required by the customs.

3. Preparing the documents for customs declaration is the basis for ensuring the smooth customs clearance of export goods. Under normal circumstances, the documents that should be prepared for customs declaration include: consignment note (i.e. cargo paper), an invoice, a trade contract, export exchange verification form and various certificates involved in customs supervision conditions in addition to the export goods declaration form.

Issues to note when declaring: Customs declaration time limit: The customs declaration time limit refers to the time limit for the consignor or its agent to declare to the customs after the goods are transported to the port. The customs declaration time limit for export goods is 24 hours before loading. Goods that do not need to be taxed or inspected shall complete customs clearance procedures within 1 day from the date of acceptance of declaration.

Warehouse customs declaration is divided into export customs declaration and import customs declaration.

(1) Export customs declaration: Submit the necessary documents for customs declaration and the "Export Bonded Warehouse Goods Outbound List" filled out by the warehouse operator.

(2) Import customs declaration: Leaving the bonded warehouse and entering the domestic market, the import customs declaration procedures to be handled are the same as those for bonded warehouses.

① Outbound for processing trade: Processing trade enterprises or their agents shall handle import customs declaration procedures in accordance with the customs declaration procedures for processing trade goods.

② Outbound as specific duty-free goods: Handle import customs declaration procedures in accordance with the customs declaration procedures for specific duty reductions and exemptions.

③Goods leaving the warehouse and entering the domestic market: go through import declaration procedures according to the general customs declaration procedures for imported goods.